Hans W. Nintzel, born on April 1, 1932, was an American Alchemist and the founder of the Restorers of Alchemical Manuscripts Society (R.A.M.S.). The study and practice of Alchemy was extremely important to Hans. He gave his time freely to other students of the art through his copious correspondence and through workshops held at his residence in Texas.


Hans worked with the other members of R.A.M.S. to acquire, study, translate, and add commentary to dozens of works on Alchemy. Guided by his teacher Frater Albertus Spagyricus (Dr. Albert Richard Riedel), founder of the Paracelsus College, Hans selected only the best and most respected works on Alchemy. Hans Nintzel added numerous footnotes throughout the works. Both Hans and the current editor made great efforts to present the best and most complete version possible of each of the selected Alchemical works. In the case of The Golden Chain of Homer, for example, three of the original printed editions from the 1700s (2 in German and 1 in Latin), as well as Bacstrom's partial translation in hand-written form,  were studied in great detail while preparing the final R.A.M.S. Library edition.


The complete R.A.M.S. manuscripts now form The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy, published with permission from the Estate of Hans W. Nintzel. 


Hans passed on December 3, 2000, but his legacy lives on in The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy. I was a member of R.A.M.S. and a good friend of Hans. I respectfully present the Library with the hope that this information will prove valuable in the quest to improve the human condition.


Philip N. Wheeler, Editor, The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy


The Bird King from Dr. Dee's Manuscript