Vol. 13: The Turba Philosophorum

    The Turba Philosophorum, or Assembly of the Alchemical Philosophers, is attributed to Arisleus. It is one of the earliest Alchemical texts, believed to be from the 12th Century. The Turba Philosophorum was often quoted in later Alchemical texts.
     Also included in this volume: Revelation of the True Chemical Wisdom by Friederich Gualdus, which includes a Forward by Hans W. Nintzel. Contained therein, are letters between Gualdus and Baron von Reusenstein. The latter refers to Gualdus as an Adept. Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom held von Reusenstein in very high regard. See Volume 47, Selected Chemical and Universal Processes, for a complete work by von Reusenstein. Also included is Gualdus' recipe for longevity. 

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Title: The Turba Philosophorum

Author: Arisleus

Editor: Philip Wheeler

Language: English

Color: Black & White

Paperback: 256 pages