Vol. 15: The Art of Distillation

John French (1616-1657) was an English physician known for his contributions to chemistry (in particular, distillation) as well as for his English translations of Latin and German works.

John French is chiefly remembered for publishing in 1651 The Art of Distillation, which is possibly the earliest detailed book on distillation. It is thought to be representative of the English chemistry of this period.
    This edition includes more than 40 meticulously restored engravings from the 1651 edition, and footnotes to help guide the student of Alchemy.
    It is essential that every student of Alchemy master the basic principles explained herein, and in particular the Four Degrees of Fire and the Terms of Art as defined in Book 1.

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Author: John French

Editor: Philip Wheeler

Language: English

Color: Black & White

Paperback: 334 pages



To the left is the furnace for a Balneum Mariae with the alembics and their receivers.


A. Shows the brass kettle full of water.

B. The cover of the kettle perforated in two places, to give passage forth to the vessels .

C. A pipe or chimney added to the kettle, wherein the fire is contained to heat the water.

D. The alembic consisting of its body and head.

E. The receiver whereinto the distilled liquor runs.