Vol. 21: Alchemical Symbols, Fourth Edition

Many of the included symbols appeared in the Last Will and Testament of Basilius Valentinus in the seventeenth century. That table has been augmented with symbols from other sources including the Alchemist's Handbook by Frater Albertus, Dom Antoine Joseph Pernety's The Great Art, Stanislas Klossowski de Rola's Alchemy: The Secret Art, items taken from the works of Agrippa and John Read, symbols from the Bacstrom Manuscripts, the R.A.M.S. Library collected by Hans W. Nintzel, and other sources. For details please see the References section.

The second part of this work is a dictionary of basic Gematria. For those desirous of seeking possible hidden meaning in the alchemistical writings through the Qabalah, the Hebrew of key alchemically-oriented words is presented along with the numerical equivalences.


Finally, there is a short Glossary of Latin Terms of interest to students of alchemy, tables of common conversion factors and a list of abbreviations.


This volume also includes A French Alchemical Romance and Adventure by Hans W. Nintzel.  This is the story of Hans' adventure in the fall of 1986 when he spent a week with an alchemical society called Filiation SOLAZAREFF in France.


Alchemical Symbols is, in this 4th revision, one of the most complete and informative books on this arcane Alchemical shorthand.


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Author: Philip N. Wheeler

Editor: Philip Wheeler

Language: English

Color: Black & White

Paperback: 148 pages

Above: Sample page from the book.

Below: An example of a symbol table from an old text.