Vol. 29: The Book of Abraham the Jew

Hans Nintzel added this work to the R.A.M.S. Library in 1982. It is from the British Museum printed book, 122 pages, 8905 A 15 in German "Donum Dei" (Samullis Baruch), "Abraham the Jew" (in German), 87 pages bound with 9005 A 15. Abraham Eleazar was probably a fictitious name used by the author. It appears that the book was first published in Leipzig in 1760 with the title, "R. Abrahami Eleazaris Uraltes Chymisches Werk," although an edition from 1735 is said to exist (see Note at the end of the Forward). The author might have been Julius Gervasius of Schwarzburg. The Forward states that the author took illustrations from the copper tablets of Tubal-Cain, a person mentioned in Genesis 4:22.



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Author: Abraham Eleazar

Editor: Philip Wheeler

Language: English

Color: Black & White

Paperback:  156 pages