Snyder was an active Alchemist who practiced all over Europe. Written in the 17th century, this extended allegory by Johannes de Monte-Snyder is indeed a puzzle. It perplexed Sir Isaac Newton for many years, as documented in his notebooks. As an allegory it links together the spiritual side of alchemy with actual physical laboratory processes.
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Author: Johannes de Monte-Snyder
Editor: Philip Wheeler
Language: English
Color: Black & White
Paperback: 150 pages
Concerning the Three Worlds
Like as all elementated things are distributed into three kingdoms, even so also are there three irrational worlds to be considered philosophically, for that which is above is as that which is below, which proceeds hence in that the Almighty in the beginning created the transparent heaven in a round perfect circular form, and yet the same heaven in like manner was framed of such a nature as to produce its like, and yet according to the command of God with most perfection: From whence there are now arised and in the heaven spring forth two luminaries, which daily and mightily do present before the eyes the figure and character of the circular crystalline heaven, and do as it were testify and make known their original.