Christopher Grummet wrote this work in the late 17th century. It is subtitled, "Manifest Declaration of the
Sanguine and Solar Concealed Liquor of Nature." There are a few footnotes in this volume that are
attributed to "D.H." Although the editor has seen footnotes under these same initials in other R.A.M.S. works, the person's identity remains unknown.
This Volume of The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy also includes Universal and Particular
Processes by John de Monte Snyder. A much longer work by Monte Snyder is available as The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy Volume 31, The Metamorphosis of the
Planets. The symbols in this short work may be more easily understood using R.A.M.S. Volume 21, Alchemical Symbols.
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