Vol. 39: A Revelation of the Secret Spirit

According to Adam McLean's provisional list of 1179 authors of alchemical books published before 1800, Giovanni Battista Lambi wrote and published only one book on Alchemy. The beginning of this book notes that it was written by an anonymous author in Latin. Mr. Lambi translated the text into Italian, and an unknown Englishman (R.N.E.) translated the work into English. It may be that the author's name is a pseudonym.


This volume of The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy also includes Trifertes Sagani by Cleidophorus Mystagogus (a pseudonym).
Finally, Aphorisms of Urbigerus is included. These 101 aphorisms were written by Baro (or Baru) Urbigerus, a 17th century writer on alchemy. These aphorisms claim to set out completely the theory of the alchemical work for the preparation of the Philosopher's Stone. 


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Author: Giovanni Lambi

Editor: Philip Wheeler

Language: English

Color: Black & White

Paperback:  176 pages